It is my hope that through the ministry here at The Chapel that you will grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and by that knowledge live a blessed life. Our teaching is expositional, meaning that we start with the first verse of the Bible and study it line-upon-line until we reach the last verse of the Bible.
We are an affiliate of the Calvary Chapel movement which was founded in 1965 by Pastor Chuck Smith. Please visit the Calvary Chapel Association’s website for the history of Calvary Chapel!
We define ourselves as being:
- Pre-Tribulational, meaning that we believe 1) that the true Church of Jesus Christ will be raptured with Him; and 2) that the Rapture of the Church occurs before the Great Tribulation begins;
- Millenial, meaning that we believe in the Millenial (1000 years) reign of Jesus Christ following the Great Tribulation but before the White Throne judgement;
- Zionistic, meaning that we believe that God’s promises made to Israel are still valid, including their right to the land currently known as Israel (but also God’s promised land from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates, see Genesis 15:18 and Joshua 1:4);
- Fundamentalist, meaning that we hold to the literal interpretation of the Scripture and that they are divinely inspired and inerrant in the original texts;
- Charismatic (Pentecostal), meaning that we believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Leadership at Community Chapel follows the New Testament model for the Church and is made up of both an Elder board and a Deacon board. Listen to Pastor Rit’s teaching on Church government.
When you come and visit, here’s what to expect:
- What do I wear?
Some dress up and some wear jeans. Some wear dresses and some wear shorts. - What kind of music do you play?
Our worship services are a balance of traditional and contemporary. - I have children …
For the little guys, we have nursery and toddler facilities, and we have a full children’s church for school aged children through the 8th grade. Only children 12 years and older should be in the sanctuary (Nehemiah 8). - Anything else?
We love to fellowship – so please plan to hang out on the back deck and pavilion after our services.
In Christ,
Rit Varriale, Sr.
Senior Pastor, CC Greenville