Children’s Ministry

Anthony & Veronica Delgado |

We take our calling seriously to minister to children at the Chapel. Each Sunday morning and Wednesday night we gather for worship and age-appropriate instruction in God’s Word. Our goal is simple:

1. To present Christ to our children
2. To prepare our children with His Word

“…and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” 2 Tim 3:15

We use the Answers in Genesis Answers Bible Curriculum in our Children’s Church. It is a full-featured, chronological, 3-year Sunday school program and the curriculum covers Genesis through Revelation.

  • For the teachers, teacher guides are provided which make teaching easy. They include background material, detailed lesson plans, and optional activities. Flipchart page and classroom posters are also available.
  • For the children/parents, weekly take-home sheets reinforce the lesson, plus fun activities and daily Bible readings encourage family discussion