You can find Community Chapel of Greenville on the various social networks. While we are not very active, like some churches are, on social media, we will occasionally share information.

Facebook Group

The Chapel maintains a Facebook Group that predates the use of Realm. This group is moderated and membership must be approved.

Facebook Page

The Chapel’s Facebook Page is used to post remiders of events and services.


Like our Facebook Page, the Chapel’s Instragram is used to post reminders of events and services. Follow us here.


Signal is a newer messaging app. It is open-source and is considered one of the more secure way to message other people. There is a group – CCGreenville (unoffical) – that anyone in the group can post to. Not all content is sancutioned by the Chapel. Much of the content is political or news related.

Membership must be approved (click here to join).


Telegram is another new social media app. Like the Signal group, much of the content is news / political in nature as group members share information they find in other Telegram groups.

CCGreenville (unofficial) Telegram group.

Truth Social

Truth Social is another new social media app. Like the Signal group, much of the content is news / political in nature as group members share information they find in other Truth Social groups.

CCGreenville (unofficial) Truth Social group.


WhatsApp is an encrypted messaging app and is considered the most popular messaging app around the world. You can request to the CCGreenfille (unofficial) WhatsApp group here.

X (formerly Twitter)

Like our Facebook Page, the Chapel’s X (formerly Twitter) account is used to post reminders of events and services. Follow us here.